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There are many resources and lots of information available for community organisations looking to build foundational skills for running an organisation, find funding, or develop capabilities for social impact.  Finding the right resources and information can be a challenge.  It can be hard to know where to start.

To make it easier to find what you are looking for, we have produced three online guides that provide an introduction to some of the most useful resources we have found.

The Funding Guide

The search for funding is a never-ending journey for many not-for-profits. Finding the right funder and taking the right steps to apply for funding can be a challenge. Our Funding Guide provides information on funders, what they are looking for, the types of funding available and how to identify which funders are most likely to support your type of organisation or project. The guide provides a checklist of the documents and information you want to have ready for your applications, and some helpful tips to make your life a little easier when you’re seeking funding. Access the Funding Guide here.

Core Skills Toolkit 

When you are leading a small or new community or not-for-profit organisations, you want to get the fundamentals right. The Core Skills Toolkit outlines key areas where you will want to consider developing some core skills: Te Tiriti; community engagement; strategic planning; evaluation and measuring impact; communicating your work; working in a culturally responsive way, and; wellbeing/hauora. The toolkit provides a brief explanation of each area followed by a list of questions to help you think through how these apply to your organisation. A guide to getting started in each area is provided along with links to free online resources. Check out the Core Skills Toolkit here.

Capability Wheel 

If you’re looking to strengthen your organisational capabilities to deliver social impact, you will find a myriad of publications, websites, courses and organisations available. Our new Capability Wheel has links to a curated selection of resources; generic resources available online, targeted support such as professional development training, and tailored support, such as coaching, mentoring or consultancy services designed to meet the specific needs of individuals or organisations. The wheel includes sections on: vision, mission and strategy; governance and leadership; strategic relationships; internal operations and management; service delivery and impact, and; resource development. Te Tiriti o Waitangi and climate action considerations are incorporated across each topic. Explore the Capability Wheel here.