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The Capability Support Wheel is a signposting tool designed to help community organisations find development resources.

The Wheel is organised into six categories:

- vision, mission and strategy
- governance and leadership
- strategic relationships
- internal operations and management
- service delivery and impact
- resource development

The Wheel's segments provide links to resources available in each broad category of development, presented according to the degree of personalised support: universal, tailored and targeted.

The tool acknowledges that Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Climate Action are key considerations for all capability-building mahi in Aotearoa New Zealand. As such they are key structural components of the Wheel.

The intention in facilitating easier identification of these capability-building tools and training opportunities is to help community organisations access the knowledge, skills, instincts, abilities and processes they need to operate effectively and achieve impact.

The Centre for Social Impact acknowledges the mahi of all of the content creators whose resources the Wheel points towards. We will continue to evolve and grow this resource. If you have a suggestion for a resource to include please email us

View the Capability Support Wheel